
歡迎! 您在此看到的所有照片都是我在自家陽台上拍攝的。陽台大小一般般,面積為1.5坪。
隨著越來越多的人遷移到城市,城市變得越來越大,而野生動植物的棲息地越來越少。 我希望人們在看到我的照片後也願意在他們的花園,陽台,或窗台上種些樹。
Welcome! All photos you see in this site were taken on my small balcony, an area of 5 m^2 (5 meters squared), in Taichung, Taiwan.
As more and more people migrate to cities, cities become bigger and bigger, and there are fewer and fewer wildlife habitats. I hope people are willing to plant some trees in their gardens, balconies, or windowsills after seeing my photos.
In addition, when reading my articles, people will notice that even if the areas are small, their spaces could be full of plants; watering trees is not troublesome; observing is so fun.
They said, "If gardens and a variety of plants are brought back to the cities, animal species will also come back".
by 曹登富 Teng-Fu Tsao